Hannah Cruttenden

Psychotherapy, Psychology, EMDR


So many of us try to cope with life's challenges on our own - perhaps believing that nobody can help.

Psychotherapy with a trusted professional can transform difficult thoughts and feelings. This can happen in various ways - you may feel less alone, find a new perspective, or develop new coping strategies.

Instead of inner turmoil, there is greater understanding and acceptance.

Personal change

Neurobiologists now recognise that psychotherapy can change how the brain functions, strengthening the ability to regulate emotions, and improving conditions like anxiety and depression.

Although medical intervention is sometimes essential, the effects of psychotherapy are often more powerful and long-lasting than anti-depressants.

Dr. Hannah Cruttenden, Counsellor & Psychotherapist
BPS Logo

My training

I am an experienced Chartered Counselling Psychologist and Clinical Psychotherapist, registered with the HCPC (Health and Care Professions Council), BPS (British Psychological Society), the UKCP (United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy) and the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). 

I am committed to an evidence-based, culturally-sensitive and ethical way of working.  

I am registered with several private healthcare providers including BUPA, Aviva, AXA PPP and WPA.

Who I work with

I work with individuals aged 20+ (I strongly believe personal change is possible throughout life).

There is no need to come with a specific, well-defined aim for therapy, although some people do. The range of issues I address with my clients include:



Trauma and PTSD

Bereavement and loss

Relationship difficulties

Low self esteem

Attachment issues

Family estrangement

Childhood trauma and neglect

Life transitions and losses in later life

How psychotherapy can help

Being able to speak freely, and be heard by another person, can provide powerful relief from unbearable feelings. This may include considering what you want and need from life, reducing distress around traumatic memories, and identifying any patterns of behaviour that are no longer serving you well. 

Techniques involving mindfulness, imagery and body awareness can enhance your experience of the present moment, leading to deep personal change.  

What kind of therapy?

Integrative Psychotherapy & EMDR

I integrate a number of different psychological approaches, including psychodynamic, humanistic, somatic, and cognitive behavioural (CBT).

I also offer Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), an approach recognised by the National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE) in the UK, and internationally by the World Health Organisation. This proven approach has been widely tested in people who have suffered trauma, but can also be useful for other issues.

Read more about how I work.

My location

When seeing clients in person, I work at 3 Montpelier Avenue, London W5 2XP.

The building is easily accessible from Ealing Broadway. If you are coming by car, there is parking outside, and paid parking available in St Stephens Road (2 minutes' walk away) is the road outside is busy.

I also work online with clients in the UK and internationally, mostly offering weekly 50-minute sessions. When working online, you will need access to the internet, and a quiet space where you can have privacy.

Fees & availability

My usual fee starts at £100 for a 50-minute session. I am registered with private healthcare providers including BUPA, Axa, Aviva and WPA.

I have a limited number of reduced fee spaces for those who could not otherwise afford to come.

Get in touch

Please feel free to contact me to arrange an initial chat. I am happy to answer any questions about how psychotherapy and counselling work.

If you prefer, you can also text me on +44 7973 261442 and I will get back to you.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential.

Frequently asked questions

How many sessions will I need?

After an assessment, we would normally arrange to meet for an agreed number of sessions - say 6 or 10, usually weekly. Most people find this number of sessions beneficial, and many decide to continue on an open-ended basis.

Will my appointment be at the same time each week?

Normally, yes, clients have their own regular day and time. However, there is some flexibility for shift workers or freelancers.

I ask for 7 days' notice of a session cancellation. With less notice, I will do my best to offer an alternative time that same week, but this can never be guaranteed.

How is online therapy different from in person therapy?

Working online can be a very effective and convenient way of working. In particular the challenges of the Covid 19 pandemic have proved that it is possible to build strong and successful therapeutic relationships online.

However, there are a few practical differences. If you are speaking to me from your home, you will need a private space where you cannot be overheard. You might also want to think about having your own tissues and a glass of water to hand.

We can talk about how you position your screen for sessions. Some people like to be close up, others at a distance. Being on eye-level with the camera usually works best if that's possible.

Holidays and breaks

Please let me know as soon as you can if you have a holiday coming up. If I am taking holiday, I will give you as much notice as possible.

© Dr Hannah Cruttenden

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