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About Me

Over the past 17 years, as well as working independently in private practice, I have worked in the NHS and for several organisations in the voluntary sector. I currently work mainly in private practice, and also for a trauma service at a local counselling organisation. I supervise doctoral psychology students with their own research.

Earlier in my life, I was an academic psychologist then worked for a large corporation for 10 years before managing a successful training company. I consider myself very lucky now to have found such a rewarding profession which puts me in close contact with my clients. I am grateful to the people who trust me with their stories, and constantly add to my own learning.

Dr. Hannah Cruttenden, Counsellor & Psychotherapist
psychology in London

Professional qualifications

  • DCPsych Doctor of Counselling Psychology and Psychotherapy (Middlesex University and Metanoia Institute)

  • Clinical Diploma in Integrative Psychotherapy (Middlesex University and Metanoia Institute)

  • EMDR Europe Standard Accredited Training (with Sandi Richman)

  • Postgraduate Certificate in EMDR (University of Worcester)

  • Foundation Certificate in CBT (Metanoia Institute)
therapy in London

Professional memberships

  • Registered as a practitioner psychologist with the HCPC

  • Registered member of the UKCP (UK Council for Psychotherapy)

  • Registered member of the BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy)

psychotherapy in London

Other qualifications

  • DPhil Psychology (Sussex University)

  • BSc (Hons) Psychology (University of Durham)

© Dr Hannah Cruttenden

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